Teaching others about conservation is an essential agent for change. Use the tool of education to share your passion and knowledge.
We shared ours with you and now you can do the same!
Educational Presentation - PowerPoint or Trifold
Give a 15-20 minute talk to an audience with your PowerPoint or trifold and take questions.
25 pts
Presentation – General
Give a talk about your WLA/Conservation Ambassador/outreach experience and answer questions.
25 pts
Tri-fold - Manned Display
Set up your display and stand in front of it to answer questions.
20 pts/hr
Tri-fold - Unmanned display
Set up your tri-fold in a location where you can leave it unattended.
5 pts/day (100 pts max)
Educational Tool – NEW PowerPoint Developed
Create an original PowerPoint with text, photos, & graphics; Include a printed copy of slides and documentation of use.
20 pts
Educational Tool – NEW tri-fold display
Create a new, original tri-fold display; Include a close-up picture of you with it!
20 pts
Educational Tool: Plant Collection
Create a pressed, scanned or photographed plant collection; **Minimum of 10 plants, must follow the labeling guidelines for a plant mount learned at the Academy to get credit.
40 points
Applicant Recruitment
Recruit students and Team Leaders for next year’s field school; make sure they list your name on their application!
20 pts for each app received; 20 add'nl pts if accepted
Attending Educational Presentations
Attend educational presentations- feel free to talk about the Academy to others attending who seem interested!
5 pt/hr attended
Organize a program for your community
Use what you learned at the Academy to create an educational opportunity for others.
10 pts/hr (includes planning and duration of actual event)
Participate in Environmental Activities
Use your skills from the Academy to participate in community activities.
25 pts/event
Miscellaneous activities
Any other educational programs not covered in the above. These are just guidelines! Don’t be afraid to include other activities that fall under education.
Teaching others about conservation is an essential agent for change. Use the tool of education to share your passion and knowledge.
We shared ours with you and now you can do the same!
Educational Presentation - PowerPoint or Trifold
Give a 15-20 minute talk to an audience with your PowerPoint or trifold and take questions.
25 pts
Presentation – General
Give a talk about your WLA/Conservation Ambassador/outreach experience and answer questions.
25 pts
Tri-fold - Manned Display
Set up your display and stand in front of it to answer questions.
20 pts/hr
Tri-fold - Unmanned display
Set up your tri-fold in a location where you can leave it unattended.
5 pts/day (100 pts max)
Educational Tool – NEW PowerPoint Developed
Create an original PowerPoint with text, photos, & graphics; Include a printed copy of slides and documentation of use.
20 pts
Educational Tool – NEW tri-fold display
Create a new, original tri-fold display; Include a close-up picture of you with it!
20 pts
Educational Tool: Plant Collection
Create a pressed, scanned or photographed plant collection; **Minimum of 10 plants, must follow the labeling guidelines for a plant mount learned at the Academy to get credit.
40 points
Applicant Recruitment
Recruit students and Team Leaders for next year’s field school; make sure they list your name on their application!
20 pts for each app received; 20 add'nl pts if accepted
Attending Educational Presentations
Attend educational presentations- feel free to talk about the Academy to others attending who seem interested!
5 pt/hr attended
Organize a program for your community
Use what you learned at the Academy to create an educational opportunity for others.
10 pts/hr (includes planning and duration of actual event)
Participate in Environmental Activities
Use your skills from the Academy to participate in community activities.
25 pts/event
Miscellaneous activities
Any other educational programs not covered in the above. These are just guidelines! Don’t be afraid to include other activities that fall under education.
5-100 pts