Joseph Reibman, Esq. (President) Partner in Reibman and Reibman, Esquires. President and Founder of Glendon Properties, Inc. Honorably discharged as First Lieutenant with duty assignment as Assistant to the Staff Judge Advocate and United States Army Intelligence Commend. Awarded Army Commendation Medal. Former National Board of Director for the Alliance for Children and Families.
R. Charles Stehly (Vice President) Director of Business Development for Corporate Environments of Bethlehem. Prior to accepting his current position with Corporate Environments in 1996, Mr. Stehly was President/CEO of Stehly Woodcrafts from 1978-1996 and President/CEO of SIGNCORP from 1992-1996.
Ann DePaulis, Esq. (Secretary) Former business law associate with Duane, Morris & Heckscher and Thomas, Thomas & Hafer. Founder and former partner in the law firm of Salzmann & DePaulis. Former Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustee for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. Board of Directors for Appalachian Audubon Society.
John Kline (Treasurer) President of Kline Associates, Ltd., which represents clients’ interests at the state level in Harrisburg. John’s passion for the outdoors has led to a strong presence in Harrisburg advocating for outdoor pursuits such as hunting, fishing trapping and the support of wildlife habitat.
Tracie Witter PPL Electric Utilities Regional Affairs Director, represents 9 PA counties advocating for PPL with elected officials, media and non-profits who benefit from the PPL Foundation. Prior to PPL, Tracie worked in Healthcare communications for 20 years. A lifelong skier, hiker, camper and canoer, Tracie and her family are very active and appreciate the outdoors.
Ralph Martone Retired physics teacher, with advanced degrees in biology, physics, marketing and economics. Currently serves on board of directors for the Wildlife For Everyone Foundation, Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, National Wild Turkey Federation and Pennsylvania Club. Previously served on the Board of Commissioners for the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Active in conservation at the local, state and national levels.
James Brett (Honorary Director) Co-founder of the PA Institute for Conservation Education. Former Governor’s Adviser on Conservation and Sportsmen’s Issues. Former Curator of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary (26 years). Founded and directs an international intern program and the Jim Brett Global Conservation Fund. Lectures internationally on ecology, field natural history, global conservation perspectives and biodiversity.
Peter Duncan (Honorary Director) Deputy Commissioner, Department of Natural Resources, New York Department of Conservation (Retired). Former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources. Former Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Game Commission.
Board of Directors
Joseph Reibman, Esq. (President)
Partner in Reibman and Reibman, Esquires. President and Founder of Glendon Properties, Inc. Honorably discharged as First Lieutenant with duty assignment as Assistant to the Staff Judge Advocate and United States Army Intelligence Commend. Awarded Army Commendation Medal. Former National Board of Director for the Alliance for Children and Families.
R. Charles Stehly (Vice President)
Director of Business Development for Corporate Environments of Bethlehem. Prior to accepting his current position with Corporate Environments in 1996, Mr. Stehly was President/CEO of Stehly Woodcrafts from 1978-1996 and President/CEO of SIGNCORP from 1992-1996.
Ann DePaulis, Esq. (Secretary)
Former business law associate with Duane, Morris & Heckscher and Thomas, Thomas & Hafer. Founder and former partner in the law firm of Salzmann & DePaulis. Former Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustee for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. Board of Directors for Appalachian Audubon Society.
John Kline (Treasurer)
President of Kline Associates, Ltd., which represents clients’ interests at the state level in Harrisburg. John’s passion for the outdoors has led to a strong presence in Harrisburg advocating for outdoor pursuits such as hunting, fishing trapping and the support of wildlife habitat.
Tracie Witter
PPL Electric Utilities Regional Affairs Director, represents 9 PA counties advocating for PPL with elected officials, media and non-profits who benefit from the PPL Foundation. Prior to PPL, Tracie worked in Healthcare communications for 20 years. A lifelong skier, hiker, camper and canoer, Tracie and her family are very active and appreciate the outdoors.
Ralph Martone
Retired physics teacher, with advanced degrees in biology, physics, marketing and economics. Currently serves on board of directors for the Wildlife For Everyone Foundation, Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, National Wild Turkey Federation and Pennsylvania Club. Previously served on the Board of Commissioners for the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Active in conservation at the local, state and national levels.
James Brett (Honorary Director)
Co-founder of the PA Institute for Conservation Education. Former Governor’s Adviser on Conservation and Sportsmen’s Issues. Former Curator of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary (26 years). Founded and directs an international intern program and the Jim Brett Global Conservation Fund. Lectures internationally on ecology, field natural history, global conservation perspectives and biodiversity.
Peter Duncan (Honorary Director)
Deputy Commissioner, Department of Natural Resources, New York Department of Conservation (Retired). Former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources. Former Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Game Commission.