570-245-8518 7 East Water St. Lock Haven, PA 17745

My First Steelhead

This week’s blog was written by Ben, a Bass alum. Ben is looking to pursue a career in physical therapy and enjoys a variety of outdoor activities. He became a Conservation Ambassador to help ensure that future generations can experience and appreciate nature just as he does.

Reflecting on 2024

As the year draws to a close, we’re taking a moment to reflect on the many milestones and accomplishments of 2024. It has been an incredible year of growth for the Wildlife Leadership Academy, and we are excited to share the highlights with you!

My Journey to 100 Birds

This week’s blog was written by Erika, a 2016 Brookies alum. Since then Erika has attended all 6 programs as a staff member. She graduated from Virginia Wesleyan University in May with a double degree in Biology and Earth & Environmental Science. Erika currently pursuing jobs in studying or managing natural resources.