This week’s Flashback Blog was written in 2021 by Micaela J., a Bucktails alumni. Micaela is currently a student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania where she is studying Mathematics/Actuarial Science. Micaela credits WLA for making her aware of her impact on the environment, although she has always been conscious of her ecological footprint. The Wildlife Leadership Academy has also encouraged Michaela to advocate to others the importance of program and it’s impact.
The clouds surround the sky above, enclosing the area like a grey-skyed snowglobe. As I step outside, I can feel that the snow is about to start. Starting off with light flurries, gently gliding through the chilled air, soon turns into a heavier snowfall with clusters of snowflakes racing towards the ground. I can see the snow accumulating on the ground, at first it’s just a coating, but within a couple of hours, I can barely tell how deep the snow truly is. The snow falls at a slight angle, covering the sides of trees and bushes, so when I look outside it seems to be a winter wonderland.
Backyard birds
American Goldfinches at the feeder
A Dark-eyed Junco collecting fallen seeds
The birds in our woods seem to sense the arriving storm. They have been coming to the feeders all morning. As the winter storm picks up its pace, more and more birds start gathering at the bird feeders in our backyard. The feeders deplete at a rapid rate as American Goldfinches, Dark-eyed Juncos, Phoebes, Black-capped Chickadees, and Northern Cardinals fight over the birdseed that my mom generously supplies for them. Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers and a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker peck are at the suet block and then fly up into the branches. I can hear geese and a Thrush in the distance. The snowflakes swirl around the birds, as Mother Nature creates her winter magic.
The photos used in this blog belong to the author.
Flashback Blog: The Snow and the Birds
Posted: January 16, 2024 by Katie Mace
This week’s Flashback Blog was written in 2021 by Micaela J., a Bucktails alumni. Micaela is currently a student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania where she is studying Mathematics/Actuarial Science. Micaela credits WLA for making her aware of her impact on the environment, although she has always been conscious of her ecological footprint. The Wildlife Leadership Academy has also encouraged Michaela to advocate to others the importance of program and it’s impact.
The clouds surround the sky above, enclosing the area like a grey-skyed snowglobe. As I step outside, I can feel that the snow is about to start. Starting off with light flurries, gently gliding through the chilled air, soon turns into a heavier snowfall with clusters of snowflakes racing towards the ground. I can see the snow accumulating on the ground, at first it’s just a coating, but within a couple of hours, I can barely tell how deep the snow truly is. The snow falls at a slight angle, covering the sides of trees and bushes, so when I look outside it seems to be a winter wonderland.
The birds in our woods seem to sense the arriving storm. They have been coming to the feeders all morning. As the winter storm picks up its pace, more and more birds start gathering at the bird feeders in our backyard. The feeders deplete at a rapid rate as American Goldfinches, Dark-eyed Juncos, Phoebes, Black-capped Chickadees, and Northern Cardinals fight over the birdseed that my mom generously supplies for them. Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers and a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker peck are at the suet block and then fly up into the branches. I can hear geese and a Thrush in the distance. The snowflakes swirl around the birds, as Mother Nature creates her winter magic.
The photos used in this blog belong to the author.
Category: Youth Blog Tags: featured, flashback blog, nature observation, snow, snow day