Julie, an Ursids alumni, writes about fishing with her father over the summer in this week’s blog post. As the weather gets a little chiller every day, it’s nice to remember the warmer days of summer!

Over the summer my dad and I try to go out fishing as often as possible and as early as possible to beat the heat. Although it is very early in the morning the beautiful sites make it all worth it. These pictures are from two different times we went out and I got these amazing shots at Yellowcreek State Park in Indiana County and the Youghiogheny River. There is something about being outdoors in the morning that is so peaceful and calming. It’ s so serene. The birds are chirping, the fog is just lifting, and the sun is rising. It’s these fishing trips that I live for (even if we don’t catch anything…)

Summer Fishing
Posted: October 20, 2015 by Katie Cassidy
Julie, an Ursids alumni, writes about fishing with her father over the summer in this week’s blog post. As the weather gets a little chiller every day, it’s nice to remember the warmer days of summer!
Over the summer my dad and I try to go out fishing as often as possible and as early as possible to beat the heat. Although it is very early in the morning the beautiful sites make it all worth it. These pictures are from two different times we went out and I got these amazing shots at Yellowcreek State Park in Indiana County and the Youghiogheny River. There is something about being outdoors in the morning that is so peaceful and calming. It’ s so serene. The birds are chirping, the fog is just lifting, and the sun is rising. It’s these fishing trips that I live for (even if we don’t catch anything…)
Category: Youth Blog Tags: creative arts, fish, journaling, nature observation, PA state parks, Ursids, youth