Empowered by Scouting: Celebrating WLA’s Executive Director’s Woman of Distinction Award

I am a proud lifelong Girl Scout, and part of a vibrant community. My journey began in Troop 71, a part of the Hemlock Girl Scout Council, which later became the Girl Scouts in the Heart of PA Council in 2008.

My earliest memories were of when I was a young scout, catching red-spotted newts in Lake Louise at Camp Golden Pond day camps and camporees, where I also learned how to build a one-match fire and properly swamp my canoe. In later years, no summer was complete without a trip to Camp Lycogis or Small Valley for resident camp. I remember swimming in Loyalsock Creek, sliding down a natural waterfall, hiking through stinging nettles, and learning about the magic healing powers of jewelweed, which grows alongside nettles. I learned to ride and care for horses, hike what seemed like the steepest mountains, and how satisfying a foil packet meal could be, followed by a mountain pie and s’mores.

In looking back on how my time in Scouting truly impacted me, hindsight is 20/20. So what I also learned while watching my mom and her best friends run our day camps and camporees was how to organize a successful event and pay attention to the details regarding schedules, name tags, and thematic ceremonies. I learned how to improvise in front of a crowd by MCing campfires, leading repeat-after-me-songs, and entertaining until the smores supplies were ready. I learned the teamwork it takes to feed 150 campers in two shifts and that the clean-up crew is the true hero of the volunteer pool because mopping the dining hall floors after a non-stop weekend is exhausting. And while it was down the mountain ridge, at another outdoor camp, I decided I wanted to pursue a career in environmental education; Girl Scouts got me to that moment.

Girl Scouts instilled in me the courage to try anything once, even the things that scared me. It nurtured my ‘can do’ attitude and the phrase ‘let me know how I can help,’ which has opened doors to at least two jobs during my academic career. It empowered me to host the Northeast Student Conclave for the Wildlife Society during my senior year of college, where the kitchen crew strangely resembled the crew from Camporee. And it prepared me, in the long run, to become Executive Director of the Wildlife Leadership Academy in 2023. I even referenced my scouting experience in my interview, stating that my first fundraising experience was selling Girl Scout cookies when you’re no longer small and cute at age 17 in January after everyone has made their New Year’s resolutions…but make the ask anyway and let them tell you “no.”

I am deeply honored to have received this recognition. I am acutely aware that I stand in the footprints of thousands of women who laced up their hiking boots and created miles of trails for me to explore. I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that the Girl Scouts community has given me. I will continue to do my darndest to keep our world wild and wonderful for the young, enthusiastic salamander catchers who are just dipping their toes in now.