…hopefully a name that doesn’t impose fear upon those who hear it. Unfortunately, this beautiful animal is misunderstood by some members of the public. However, my exposure to this species has been nothing but positive. When I think of black bears, images of past experiences spring into my head, which always leave me with a reminiscing smile. …
Posted: March 1, 2013 by Academy Director
Reports from the Field: Bird Banding
As a part of their outreach after the field school, Academy youth participate in outreach in the areas of education, service work, media engagement, and the creative arts. Reports from the Field are reports from the youth on those experiences. In this blog, student Brett reports on his experience assisting during bird banding. by Brett …
Posted: February 21, 2013 by Jackie R.
On Bats in January
Recently, I embarked on an after-school hike at Caledonia State Park. Despite the below freezing temperatures the previous day, the thermometer held steady at 65 degrees. Tiny remnants of ice lay sporadically throughout the trail, but otherwise Mother Nature provided no indication that winter happens to be the current season. These woods gave an impression …
Posted: January 23, 2013 by Jackie R.
Winter Tracks
When I travel into the great outdoors this time of year, an overwhelming blanket of snow hangs over the landscape. On a recent trip to my cabin I found myself appointed to the task of navigating through twenty inches of this thick powder. Although at a quick glance this environment may seem dull and lifeless, …
Posted: January 14, 2013 by Academy Director
Orb Weaver
This orb weaver was almost an inch long and made its home on my back porch around the side door of my house. It would destroy its gigantic web and make a new web every night in a different spot. If you weren’t careful, you just might have walked through its web, which I did a few …
Posted: December 10, 2012 by Jackie R.
The American Black Bear
…hopefully a name that doesn’t impose fear upon those who hear it. Unfortunately, this beautiful animal is misunderstood by some members of the public. However, my exposure to this species has been nothing but positive. When I think of black bears, images of past experiences spring into my head, which always leave me with a reminiscing smile. …