This week’s Flashback Blog was written in 2021 by Micaela J., a Bucktails alumni. Micaela is currently a student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania where she is studying Mathematics/Actuarial Science. Micaela credits WLA for making her aware of her impact on the environment, although she has always been conscious of her ecological footprint. The Wildlife Leadership Academy has also encouraged Michaela to advocate to others the importance of program and it’s impact.
Reds, oranges, rusts, yellows, golds, browns; both vibrant and muted colors fill the Fall landscape. As the air becomes crisp and the leaves fall like snowflakes, I become lost in the beauty around me. I make the time to slow down and breathe in nature’s gifts.
A Fall bloom
A rain-kissed rose
Some people see Fall as a time of death and decay, as the trees lose their leaves and we brace ourselves for the barren solitude of ice and snow that is to follow. That is not what I see when the leaves start to change colors, preparing to fall. I am filled with excitement as the new season approaches. I find the variety of colors in the trees to be stunning, as the colors can have such variety, yet continue to complement one another so well. The summer flowers are fading, but surprise me with a random fall blown. Mums and asters now replace their summer cousins, their flower’s hues mimic those of the fall leaves. During the Fall season, decor changes as well from the lighter, sunny colors of Summer to the darker, warmer tones of Autumn.
A surprise after the storm
For me, the fall season is full of joy and excitement. The carefree and creepy activities of Halloween: carving spooky pumpkins; bouncing along on a hayride; picking apples for sauces, ciders, and treats; wandering through corn mazes or haunted houses, and decorating our house and yard, are ones that I always looked forward to. Even the fall chores of raking leaves and gathering sticks for cool weather fires bring about a feeling of warmth and comfort inside of me. We are preparing to hunker down for the hurricanes and storms of the Fall as well as the snow and ice storms of Winter. Some dread these storms, I don’t. As my family is prepared for outages and homebound squalls, having wood cut and stacked for fires and flashlights/candles for lights. Although these are not ideal weather situations, they provide a feeling of togetherness for my family, slowing down the business of everyday life to step back and take the time to focus on family. And after the storms are over, we are sometimes left with a beautiful picture in the sky.
The photos used in this blog belong to the author.
Flashback Blog: Autumn’s Gift
Posted: September 20, 2022 by Katie Mace
This week’s Flashback Blog was written in 2021 by Micaela J., a Bucktails alumni. Micaela is currently a student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania where she is studying Mathematics/Actuarial Science. Micaela credits WLA for making her aware of her impact on the environment, although she has always been conscious of her ecological footprint. The Wildlife Leadership Academy has also encouraged Michaela to advocate to others the importance of program and it’s impact.
Reds, oranges, rusts, yellows, golds, browns; both vibrant and muted colors fill the Fall landscape. As the air becomes crisp and the leaves fall like snowflakes, I become lost in the beauty around me. I make the time to slow down and breathe in nature’s gifts.
Some people see Fall as a time of death and decay, as the trees lose their leaves and we brace ourselves for the barren solitude of ice and snow that is to follow. That is not what I see when the leaves start to change colors, preparing to fall. I am filled with excitement as the new season approaches. I find the variety of colors in the trees to be stunning, as the colors can have such variety, yet continue to complement one another so well. The summer flowers are fading, but surprise me with a random fall blown. Mums and asters now replace their summer cousins, their flower’s hues mimic those of the fall leaves. During the Fall season, decor changes as well from the lighter, sunny colors of Summer to the darker, warmer tones of Autumn.
For me, the fall season is full of joy and excitement. The carefree and creepy activities of Halloween: carving spooky pumpkins; bouncing along on a hayride; picking apples for sauces, ciders, and treats; wandering through corn mazes or haunted houses, and decorating our house and yard, are ones that I always looked forward to. Even the fall chores of raking leaves and gathering sticks for cool weather fires bring about a feeling of warmth and comfort inside of me. We are preparing to hunker down for the hurricanes and storms of the Fall as well as the snow and ice storms of Winter. Some dread these storms, I don’t. As my family is prepared for outages and homebound squalls, having wood cut and stacked for fires and flashlights/candles for lights. Although these are not ideal weather situations, they provide a feeling of togetherness for my family, slowing down the business of everyday life to step back and take the time to focus on family. And after the storms are over, we are sometimes left with a beautiful picture in the sky.
The photos used in this blog belong to the author.
Category: Youth Blog Tags: autumn, environment, fall, featured, flashback blog, nature observation