Tag: education
Spring has sprung with the arrival of the Red-Winged Blackbird! This week’s blog post is written by Eli, a monthly blog correspondent and a brookies and ursids alumnus. In this post, Eli explores the pattern of these birds and encourages you to take some time and enjoy the beautiful spring air.
This week’s blog is written by Hannah, a monthly blog correspondent, and Bucktails and Drummers alumni and ATL. She has worked hard to establish an officially recognized monarch waystation at her local high school, so it’s no surprise that even though it’s winter, Hannah has plenty of info to share with us about these gorgeous little insects!
Julia is a Bucktails alumni, and writes this guest post about how we can all enjoy shinrin-yoku in our lives. Describing the restorative properties of the practices, she makes a strong argument for making the time to get back to nature!
Cecilia is one of our Drummers alumni, and wrote us this blog post about the monarch butterflies she and her family find on her farm. There have been a few changes she has noticed over the years, and she shares her hypotheses with us…things to think about as we perhaps dream of warmer weather during these winter months!
Grace is February’s Student of the Month, and has been diligently working on a variety of projects to fulfill her outreach project goals. She is a Monthly Blog Correspondent, a nature photographer, and actively promotes the Academy at events. Grace helped out at a charity golf tournament, partnering with Wildlife for Everyone, helping them register …
Tag: education
Ringing in Spring
Posted: March 7, 2016 by Academy Director
Spring has sprung with the arrival of the Red-Winged Blackbird! This week’s blog post is written by Eli, a monthly blog correspondent and a brookies and ursids alumnus. In this post, Eli explores the pattern of these birds and encourages you to take some time and enjoy the beautiful spring air.
Category: Youth Blog Tags: birds, education, spring, wildlife, youth
The Winter of the Monarch
Posted: March 1, 2016 by Katie Cassidy
This week’s blog is written by Hannah, a monthly blog correspondent, and Bucktails and Drummers alumni and ATL. She has worked hard to establish an officially recognized monarch waystation at her local high school, so it’s no surprise that even though it’s winter, Hannah has plenty of info to share with us about these gorgeous little insects!
Category: Youth Blog Tags: Bucktails, drummers, education, monarch butterflies, monarchs, youth
Shinrin-yoku: “forest bathing”
Posted: February 23, 2016 by Katie Cassidy
Julia is a Bucktails alumni, and writes this guest post about how we can all enjoy shinrin-yoku in our lives. Describing the restorative properties of the practices, she makes a strong argument for making the time to get back to nature!
Category: Youth Blog Tags: Bucktails, creative arts, education, inspiration, life-changing, reports from the field, youth
Monarchs of Western Pennsylvania
Posted: February 9, 2016 by Katie Cassidy
Cecilia is one of our Drummers alumni, and wrote us this blog post about the monarch butterflies she and her family find on her farm. There have been a few changes she has noticed over the years, and she shares her hypotheses with us…things to think about as we perhaps dream of warmer weather during these winter months!
Category: Youth Blog Tags: drummers, education, habitat, monarch butterflies, nature observation, youth
February Student of the Month – Grace S.
Posted: February 4, 2016 by Katie Cassidy
Grace is February’s Student of the Month, and has been diligently working on a variety of projects to fulfill her outreach project goals. She is a Monthly Blog Correspondent, a nature photographer, and actively promotes the Academy at events. Grace helped out at a charity golf tournament, partnering with Wildlife for Everyone, helping them register …
Category: Student of the Month Tags: Brookies, education, journaling, leadership, media, youth