The journal entry below was written by Philadelphia ZooCREWstudent, Corey E. during one of our times near a stream. Each year the Institute leads a field trip for students for the ZooCREW (Zoo Champions for Restoring Endangered Wildlife) program where we explore the natural history of the Poconos.
Corey sitting by the stream writing.
The sight of the emerald giants that merge together to make a scene of abundance as if a green sea that sparkles with a crystal glare. They sit in columns and stand . These majestic organisms bring life to my sight. I can hear its fluttering as the wind blows. I feel a sense of freedom and relief for these giants put me at ease. If they had a voice I wonder what they would say. If they could move I what would they do. These humongous emerald figures, they make me wonder.
The Emerald Giants
Posted: November 20, 2013 by Academy Director
The journal entry below was written by Philadelphia ZooCREW student, Corey E. during one of our times near a stream. Each year the Institute leads a field trip for students for the ZooCREW (Zoo Champions for Restoring Endangered Wildlife) program where we explore the natural history of the Poconos.
The sight of the emerald giants that merge together to make a scene of abundance as if a green sea that sparkles with a crystal glare. They sit in columns and stand . These majestic organisms bring life to my sight. I can hear its fluttering as the wind blows. I feel a sense of freedom and relief for these giants put me at ease. If they had a voice I wonder what they would say. If they could move I what would they do. These humongous emerald figures, they make me wonder.
Category: Youth Blog Tags: journaling, nature observation, outdoors