As a part of their outreach after the field school, Academy youth participate in outreach in the areas of education, service work, media engagement, and the creative arts. Reports from the Field are reports from the youth on those experiences. In this blog, student Jonathan reports on his experience shadowing field biologist Kris Goetz in …
Posted: January 2, 2014 by Academy Director
Reports from the Field: Snowy Owl
PA Brookies student Logan recently sent me an email to share his very exciting wildlife encounter. He wrote: Last week I was fortunate enough to observe two Snowy Owls in the wild and was hoping to share my experience. In his words… Every winter, Snowy Owls migrate from the tundra regions of Canada and Greenland …
Posted: November 20, 2013 by Academy Director
I See, I Say
The journal entry below was written by Philadelphia ZooCREW student, Natasha H.. during one of our times near a stream. Each year the Institute leads a field trip for students for the ZooCREW (Zoo Champions for Restoring Endangered Wildlife) program where we explore the natural history of the Poconos. …
Posted: November 20, 2013 by Academy Director
The Emerald Giants
The journal entry below was written by Philadelphia ZooCREW student, Corey E. during one of our times near a stream. Each year the Institute leads a field trip for students for the ZooCREW (Zoo Champions for Restoring Endangered Wildlife) program where we explore the natural history of the Poconos. …
Posted: November 7, 2013 by Academy Director
Reports from the Field: Visiting a CREP site
As a part of their outreach after the field school, Academy youth participate in outreach in the areas of education, service work, media engagement, and the creative arts. Reports from the Field are reports from the youth on those experiences. In this blog, student Jonathan reports on his experience shadowing field biologist Kris Goetz in …
Posted: August 14, 2013 by Teddy Fisher
Reports from the Field: A Returning Student’s Perspective of Pennsylvania Brookies
Shay F., a returning student we call an Assistant Team Leader, wrote about her experience at the Pennsylvania Brookies Field School in her nature journal at camp this year. Friday, July 12, 2013 I stand around all day, listening to biologists ramble on about fish. We do this from six in the morning to eleven …