This is the fourth and final installment in a four part series, written by Peter, a Drummers, Ursids, and Gobblers alumni. He is writing about four environmental-based projects he designed and worked on as part of his his journey towards applying for the William T. Hornaday Silver Medal Award, through the Boy Scouts.
Posted: October 11, 2018 by Katie Cassidy
Restoring the Understory
This is the fourth and final installment in a four part series, written by Peter, a Drummers, Ursids, and Gobblers alumni. He is writing about four environmental-based projects he designed and worked on as part of his his journey towards applying for the William T. Hornaday Silver Medal Award, through the Boy Scouts.
Posted: October 9, 2018 by Nina Walk
My Trees
This weeks blog post is from Molly Hoffman, a Gobblers alumni! She writes about how her love of trees led her to want to become an environmental scientist.
Posted: October 4, 2018 by Katie Cassidy
Blooming Bioswales for a Better River
This is the third installment in a four part series, written by Peter, a Drummers, Ursids, and Gobblers alumni. He is writing about four environmental-based projects he designed and worked on as part of his his journey towards applying for the William T. Hornaday Silver Medal Award, through the Boy Scouts.
Posted: October 2, 2018 by Nina Walk
A Visit from an Eastern Box Turtle
This weeks blog post is from Eileen Cox, a Bucktails and Gobblers alumni! She writes about Russel, an Eastern box turtle she spotted in her backyard.
Posted: September 27, 2018 by Katie Cassidy
Looking Forward to Fall
This is the second installment in a four part series, written by Peter, a Drummers, Ursids, and Gobblers alumni. He is writing about four environmental-based projects he designed and worked on as part of his his journey towards applying for the William T. Hornaday Silver Medal Award, through the Boy Scouts.