This poem was written and sent to us by Jacob S., a 2013 PA Brookie. It reflects the trout’s journey home to find a mate. The accompanying photos, also taken by Jacob, show some beautiful winter scenes. Home As the sun cascaded from the heavens The stream softly gurgled The trees leaned as if …
Posted: April 4, 2014 by Katie Cassidy
Trout Coming Home
This poem was written and sent to us by Jacob S., a 2013 PA Brookie. It reflects the trout’s journey home to find a mate. The accompanying photos, also taken by Jacob, show some beautiful winter scenes. Home As the sun cascaded from the heavens The stream softly gurgled The trees leaned as if …
Posted: March 27, 2014 by Katie Cassidy
Come Blaze a Trail With Me
Jacob S., a 2013 PA Brookie, shares his experience in the field as he prepares to blaze a trail for his Eagle Scout project this spring: “I went out hiking at the Howland Preserve today. The purpose of my hike was to plan a project that involves blazing a trail. These are some of the …
Posted: March 5, 2014 by Katie Cassidy
Woodpeckers Under Siege!
2013 Bucktails student Nicholas M. recently discovered the nesting site of a Red Bellied Woodpecker, and documented its location. It seems the site is under siege by European Starlings – hopefully the woodpeckers can defend their territory against the invaders! Nick reports from the field… “In the above picture a Red Bellied Woodpecker has made residence …
Posted: January 2, 2014 by Academy Director
Reports from the Field: Snowy Owl
PA Brookies student Logan recently sent me an email to share his very exciting wildlife encounter. He wrote: Last week I was fortunate enough to observe two Snowy Owls in the wild and was hoping to share my experience. In his words… Every winter, Snowy Owls migrate from the tundra regions of Canada and Greenland …
Posted: November 20, 2013 by Academy Director
I See, I Say
The journal entry below was written by Philadelphia ZooCREW student, Natasha H.. during one of our times near a stream. Each year the Institute leads a field trip for students for the ZooCREW (Zoo Champions for Restoring Endangered Wildlife) program where we explore the natural history of the Poconos. …