This is the third and final installment of our three part series on the wildlife of Denali National Park, written by Ursids and Bucktails alumni, Josh. In the last portion of this blog, Josh writes about that which the park is named for: Mount Denali, as well as some final lovely specimens of wildlife.
This week, we continue with Part 2 of our three part series on the wildlife of Denali National Park, by Josh – an Ursids and Bucktails alumni. In this blog post, he writes about animal-human interactions, and gives some advice about bear safety.
Category: Youth Blog Tags: Bucktails, education, journaling, media, national forest, nature observation, outdoors, photography, reports from the field, Ursids, wildlife, youth
Josh, a Bucktails and Ursids alumni, writes this three part series about his recent trip to Denali National Park in Alaska. He tells us all about the amazing wildlife he spotted, his beautiful pictures capturing special moments with the wildlife. Josh also talks about wildlife-human interactions at the park, so stay tuned through the next couple of weeks to read the entire story of his trip!
Are you from the central PA area? This week’s blog post writer, Gabe, a monthly correspondent and Ursids alum, tells us the tale of Penn’s Cave. This land mark is not only the basis of a tall tale, it is a tourist destination, with cave tours and many species of wildlife to see! Get out and enjoy some fresh air!
This is the third and final post from Freya’s Three Week Blitz! She is a former Bucktail and Ursids student, and monthly correspondent. Read her conclusion about national parks!
Tag: Ursids
Wildlife of Denali National Park, Part 3
Posted: September 29, 2016 by Academy Director
This is the third and final installment of our three part series on the wildlife of Denali National Park, written by Ursids and Bucktails alumni, Josh. In the last portion of this blog, Josh writes about that which the park is named for: Mount Denali, as well as some final lovely specimens of wildlife.
Category: Youth Blog Tags: Bucktails, caribou, national park, nature observation, outdoors, photography, reports from the field, Ursids, wildlife, youth
Wildlife of Denali National Park, Part 2
Posted: September 20, 2016 by Katie Cassidy
This week, we continue with Part 2 of our three part series on the wildlife of Denali National Park, by Josh – an Ursids and Bucktails alumni. In this blog post, he writes about animal-human interactions, and gives some advice about bear safety.
Category: Youth Blog Tags: Bucktails, education, journaling, media, national forest, nature observation, outdoors, photography, reports from the field, Ursids, wildlife, youth
Wildlife of Denali National Park, Part 1
Posted: September 13, 2016 by Katie Cassidy
Josh, a Bucktails and Ursids alumni, writes this three part series about his recent trip to Denali National Park in Alaska. He tells us all about the amazing wildlife he spotted, his beautiful pictures capturing special moments with the wildlife. Josh also talks about wildlife-human interactions at the park, so stay tuned through the next couple of weeks to read the entire story of his trip!
Category: Youth Blog Tags: animal tracks, Bucktails, national park, nature observation, photography, reports from the field, Ursids, wildlife, youth
The Legend of Penn’s Cave
Posted: August 14, 2016 by Academy Director
Are you from the central PA area? This week’s blog post writer, Gabe, a monthly correspondent and Ursids alum, tells us the tale of Penn’s Cave. This land mark is not only the basis of a tall tale, it is a tourist destination, with cave tours and many species of wildlife to see! Get out and enjoy some fresh air!
Category: Youth Blog Tags: nature observation, PA state parks, Ursids, wildlife, youth
Our National Parks: The Roots of Conservation in America- Part 3
Posted: July 18, 2016 by Academy Director
This is the third and final post from Freya’s Three Week Blitz! She is a former Bucktail and Ursids student, and monthly correspondent. Read her conclusion about national parks!
Category: Youth Blog Tags: Bucktails, education, inspiration, nature observation, photography, Ursids, wildlife, youth