Rachel O., is a Bucktails Alumni and she will be entering her junior year of high school. Rachel is exploring careers in conservation/wildlife biology. In this guest blog, she tells the story of Winner’s Weekend and the unexpected surprise.
This week’s blog post is written by Wulfgar R., a Drummers and Bass alumni and Monthly Blog Correspondent! He writes about the relationship between religion and science, as well as evolution!
This week’s blog post is written by Donovan F., a Brookies and Bass alumni and monthly blog correspondent! He writes about fly tying in the winter to prepare for fishing season.
This week’s blog post is written by Donovan F., Brookies and Bucktails alumni and monthly blog corespondent! He writes about the use of flintlock muzzle loaders and the privilege of being able to use them in Pennsylvania!
Category: Youth Blog Tags: Brookies, Bucktails, Christmas, deer, environment, flintlock, guns, habitat, harvest, hunting, muzzle loader, outdoors, Pennsylvania, winter, youth
This week’s blog is a guest post by Nathan G., who shares his sighting of a very exciting creature! After spotting the animal in question, he did a little more research to find out what exactly he was seeing, and shares what he found out with us.
Tag: youth
WLA Winner’s Weekend
Posted: July 24, 2018 by Program Assistant
Rachel O., is a Bucktails Alumni and she will be entering her junior year of high school. Rachel is exploring careers in conservation/wildlife biology. In this guest blog, she tells the story of Winner’s Weekend and the unexpected surprise.
Category: Youth Blog Tags: Bucktails, education, Pennsylvania, Ursids, wildlife, Winner Weekend, youth
A Few of my Favorite Things
Posted: May 15, 2018 by Matt Vira
This week’s blog post is written by Wulfgar R., a Drummers and Bass alumni and Monthly Blog Correspondent! He writes about the relationship between religion and science, as well as evolution!
Category: Youth Blog Tags: biologists, education, evolution, exotic animals, religion, science, youth
Don’t Worry about the Weather Outside, Just Tie Some Flies
Posted: April 3, 2018 by Matt Vira
This week’s blog post is written by Donovan F., a Brookies and Bass alumni and monthly blog correspondent! He writes about fly tying in the winter to prepare for fishing season.
Category: Youth Blog Tags: bass, Brookies, environment, fishing, fly, fly tying, outdoors, Pennsylvania, winter, youth
The Sweet Smell of Black Powder
Posted: March 13, 2018 by Matt Vira
This week’s blog post is written by Donovan F., Brookies and Bucktails alumni and monthly blog corespondent! He writes about the use of flintlock muzzle loaders and the privilege of being able to use them in Pennsylvania!
Category: Youth Blog Tags: Brookies, Bucktails, Christmas, deer, environment, flintlock, guns, habitat, harvest, hunting, muzzle loader, outdoors, Pennsylvania, winter, youth
White Squirrels
Posted: February 28, 2018 by Katie Cassidy
This week’s blog is a guest post by Nathan G., who shares his sighting of a very exciting creature! After spotting the animal in question, he did a little more research to find out what exactly he was seeing, and shares what he found out with us.
Category: Youth Blog Tags: Brookies, education, environment, exotic animals, nature observation, research, wildlife, youth