570-245-8518 7 East Water St. Lock Haven, PA 17745

Foods of Fall

This week’s blog correspondent, is Jacob, a Brookies alumni. In his blog he explains that although fall is close to the end of the growing season, there are still many dependable food sources for Pennsylvania’s wildlife populations.

Study Abroad Trip – South Africa

Brett R. is a Bucktails and Brookies Alum. He recently graduated from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Biology with a concentration in Ecology, Conservation, and Environment Biology with a minor in Geography. In this guest blog, Brett writes about his exciting study abroad trip in South Africa and the adventures he experienced. 

Western Kansas Deer Study

Luke B. is a Bucktails and Drummers Alum. He is currently a senior at Penn State in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences. During this past summer Luke worked in Western Kansas on a deer study for Kansas State. In this guest blog, he writes about his experience capturing fawns, radio telemetry and vegetation surveys.